Updated 8/6/2021
On this page:
People who are not vaccinated
Laws in certain settings may require masks
Reasonable accommodations
How masks work
Types of masks
How to wear a mask
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) recommend that people, both fully vaccinated and unvaccinated, continue to wear a well-fitted mask in some settings or situations. Other federal, state, or local laws may require masks, and businesses may set their own requirements.
It is important to wear a mask in some settings to help limit the spread of COVID-19. Viruses constantly change and new variants of a virus are expected to occur over time. New data suggests that an emerging variant, the Delta variant, is different than past versions of the virus and spreads about twice as easily from one person to another. With the Delta variant, fully vaccinated people may be able to pass the disease to others. However, the vaccines still work. Fully vaccinated people are less likely to get infected, and if a vaccinated person gets infected, the illness will likely be mild. The vaccine also greatly reduces the chance of hospitalization and death. Learn more at About COVID-19: COVID-19 variants.
Because the Delta variant is shown to spread more easily, MDH and CDC recommend everyone, both fully vaccinated and unvaccinated, wear a mask in the following situations:
- In public, indoor settings in areas with substantial or high transmission. Refer to the map on CDC COVID Data Tracker: COVID-19 Integrated County View to find community transmission levels in your county.
- Where there is a high risk of COVID-19 spread or complications from COVID-19 infection, such as schools, health care settings, homeless shelters, and correctional facilities. Refer to:
- If you are immunocompromised or at an increased risk for severe disease from COVID-19. People who are at increased risk for severe disease include older adults and those who have certain medical conditions such as diabetes, overweight or obesity, and heart conditions. Immunocompromised people, even if fully vaccinated, should talk to their health care providers for other specific recommendations.
- If you live or frequently interact with someone who is immunocompromised, not fully vaccinated, or at an increased risk for severe disease from COVID-19.
If you have symptoms of COVID-19, it is important to stay home and away from others. If you must go out (e.g., to go to a medical appointment), wear a mask. Refer to If You Are Sick: COVID-19 for guidance on staying home and away from others (isolation).
If you have been close to someone with COVID-19, follow recommendations for COVD-19 testing and close contacts.
- If you are not fully vaccinated, stay home and away from others (quarantine) and wear a mask if other people are around.
- If you are fully vaccinated, you should wear a mask in public, indoor settings for 14 days following exposure or until your test result is negative.
Fully vaccinated people may choose to wear a mask in any situation where it feels needed, regardless of whether others around them are masked.
People who are not vaccinated
People who are not vaccinated, including children, are at much higher risk for getting and spreading the virus that causes COVID-19 than those who are fully vaccinated.
In addition to the above recommendations for everyone, anyone who is not fully vaccinated, including children ages 2 and older, should continue to wear well-fitted facemasks in the following settings:
- Indoor public settings
- Around people from other households
- Outdoors when social distancing cannot be maintained
When wearing a mask in these situations is impractical or impossible (for example, when eating or drinking, or when presenting or performing in situations where it is necessary for faces to be visible), it is particularly important to maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet from others as much as possible.Visit CDC: Your Guide to Masks for more information.
Laws in certain settings may require masks
Certain settings may have specific federal, state, and/or local legal requirements that require facemasks.
- CDC requires facemasks on buses, trains, trolleys, subways, ride-shares, maritime transportation, air travel, and other public transportation. Visit CDC: Requirement for Face Masks on Public Transportation Conveyances and at Transportation Hubs.
- Passengers and drivers must wear a mask on school buses, including on buses operated by public and private school systems.
- Health care settings – including long-term care – may be required by federal, state, and/or local regulatory authorities to require facemasks in certain situations.
- Local authorities (such as a city, town, or county) are permitted to establish mask requirements and those requirements must be followed.
- Businesses and entities can also set their own mask rules, and workers and customers may be legally required to follow those requirements.
Note that this is not an exhaustive list of federal, state, or local requirements. Be sure you understand your region and industry’s legal requirements. Businesses that are uncertain about applicable legal requirements should seek legal advice.
Reasonable accommodations
People who have certain disabilities, behavioral needs, or other health, mental health, or developmental conditions may have difficulty wearing a mask or other face covering safely. Existing law requires most businesses and public services to offer reasonable and safe accommodations to people who are unable to wear a mask due to their disability.
Businesses that choose to require masks should provide guidance to employees and patrons on reasonable accommodations or exemptions and be aware that:
- People who have trouble breathing, are unconscious, or are unable to remove a mask without help should not wear a mask.
- Children under age 2 should not wear a mask.
- Certain situations (e.g., swimming or other activities that will soak or submerge a face covering in water) may make masks unsafe.
Considerations for people who cannot wear masks due to medical conditions, disabilities, or special needs
- Requesting others to remove their masks if both parties are able to stay 6 feet apart from each other. This may be helpful for people who are deaf or hard of hearing.
- Using a face shield (clear plastic shield that covers the forehead, extends below the chin, and wraps around the sides of the face) instead of a mask may provide some protection.
- For more information on communication access when wearing a mask, including clear masks and speech to text apps, visit Minnesota Department of Human Services Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services: Communication while wearing masks.
Hospitals and health care organizations should have a plan in place for providers to use that ensures accessible accommodations are available. For further information on accessibility, visit Best Practices for COVID-19 Testing and Vaccination Sites: Disability-related Accessibility.
If someone near you is not wearing a mask
Medical conditions, disabilities, or special needs may make wearing a mask difficult or impossible, and a person’s needs or condition may not be visible or obvious.
Unless you are a business responsible for ensuring worker and customer compliance with masking requirements, do not confront a person about why they are not wearing mask. If possible, ask them to maintain a distance of at least 6 feet.
How masks work
- The virus that causes COVID-19 is thought to be mostly spread by respiratory droplets released when people talk, cough, or sneeze.
- Wearing a well-fitted mask stops these droplets from spreading to others. This is extra important because around 40-50% of people with COVID-19 do not have symptoms but can still spread the virus.
- Wearing a mask does not mean people who are sick should be in public. Stay home if you are sick unless you need to seek medical care.
- Wearing a mask and following other public health recommendations (like staying 6 feet from others and washing your hands often) can provide extra layers of protection against getting and spreading COVID-19.
Types of masks
- Wear masks with two or more layers of tightly woven fabric. Face coverings made of thinner, loosely woven, or single-layer fabric such as certain types of masks, scarves, neck gaiters, or bandannas are not as effective for blocking droplets that come out when speaking, coughing, or sneezing, and should only be used if nothing else is available. If you wear a scarf or neck gaiter for warmth, also wear a mask underneath it.
- MDH does not recommend the use of N95 respirators for protection against COVID-19 in community settings because N95 respirators should be reserved for health care workers or other high-risk work settings. In addition, wearing an N95 requires formal fit-testing in a health care setting to ensure the respirator forms an appropriate seal to provide adequate respiratory protection for the user.
- Any masks that incorporate a valve that is designed to facilitate easy exhaling, mesh masks, or masks with openings, holes, visible gaps in the design or material, or vents are NOT sufficient face coverings because they allow droplets to be released from the mask.
How to wear a mask
- Wash your hands before putting on your mask and after taking it off.
- A mask must cover the nose and mouth completely and fit snugly against your face without gaps. The mask should not be overly tight or restrictive and should feel comfortable to wear.
- For children 2 years and older, find a mask that is made for children to help ensure proper fit. Children under age 2 should NOT wear a mask.
- If you wear glasses, find a mask that fits closely over your nose or one that has a nose wire to limit fogging.
- Do NOT touch the mask when wearing it. If you often have to touch or adjust your mask, it does not fit you properly and you may need to find a different mask or make adjustments.
- Wash your mask after each time you wear it.
Refer to the following resources for additional guidance and tips on how to wear a mask:
- Considerations for Face Shields (PDF)
- How to Safely Wear Your Mask (PDF)
Poster for download and printing. - Videos for COVID-19 Response
How to Safely Wear Your Mask and COVID-19 Mask Do’s and Don’ts. Includes transcripts and other languages. - Facemasks and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- CDC: Use Masks to Slow the Spread of COVID-19
- CDC: Your Guide to Masks